terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2009

8º, 9º e 10º Sonhos - 14,15 e 16/12/2008

16/12/2008 - Three days, three dreams in a row.

The first, the last.
The second , before, again and after
The last, the one who’d never’s gone.
Not really. Even if a try, and i tried.
The first, violence, passion, and lust.
Blood and sweat.
Regret, pain, relief, madness.
The second, peace in a place. Never on me. Calm, warm, patience, happiness, love, perfection, past.
Geography! DdA. Sweetness.
Nothing else to say. We finally (already) know what to do.
The last, could be reality. All the same and again.
Leave the church to hang around and never, ever reach the place.

Everything’s a dream, never’s done.

2 comentários:

Claudia Bittencourt disse...

Quero ler logo o 14! Huahauaha

Hayet disse...

Calma, agora vêm os desse ano. A escrita tá meio diferente. Me diz o que achou. Beijoca